
Seamless Care Optimizing Patient Experience (SCOPE)

EasT-FPN as the voice of family practice in East Toronto is proud to announce it will be administering SCOPE to ensure it continues to align with the needs of family practice in East Toronto. We are here to help you to access specialists, mental health resources and community care for your patients.

Gain access to the various SCOPE pathways! Please see pathways below.



General Internal Medicine (GIM):

  • Urgent physician-to-physician consult with an internist. 

  • Secure a timely appointment at the General Internal Medicine clinic for urgent cases.

Home and Community Care Coordination:

  • In-home assessments and access to community-based resources and home care.

  • Obtain updates on your existing patients who receive these services or are experiencing delay or disruption in services.

Nurse Navigator:

  • Your own virtual navigator to save you and your office staff time. 

  • Identify, connect and help you and your patient navigate accessing specialists, sub-specialists, programs, and services at MGH and throughout Ontario.

Diagnostic Imaging:

  • Expedited appointments at MGH diagnostic imaging for your urgent non emergent cases.

  • Submit a request to a radiologist for report interpretation for patients with imaging done at MGH, and identifying appropriate tests in complex situations.



  • The pathway is intended to support primary care clinicians making referrals to the Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) specialist clinic through the SCOPE program.

Fracture Clinic

  • Expedited appointments at MGH’s fracture clinic for appropriate urgent cases.

Infectious Diseases

  • This pathway is intended to support primary care clinicians who would like to speak with an Infectious Disease Specialist to support diagnosis and management of their patients with Infectious Diseases (IDs).

Palliative Care

  • Physician-to-physician phone consultation with a Palliative care specialist for support, including medication changes and symptom management.

Respiratory Pathway

  • Physician-to-physician phone consultation with a respiratory specialist for management of urgent respiratory illnesses.

  • Refer to the sleep lab via the updated sleep lab referral form available on Ocean e-Referrals and [Here].

Toronto Hepatitis C program

  • Easier access to the Hepatitis C clinic for HCV support, education, testing and treatment to individuals living with or at risk of acquiring Hepatitis C infection.

EastTCaN’s COPD integrated care pathway

  • Refer your patients 55+, with COPD, living in or accessing care in East Toronto, with at least one COPD related ED visit in last 12 months to EasTCaN COPD Integrated Pathway via SCOPE.

  • EastTCaN is an integrated care program that offers two types of support:   

    1. Integrated care pathways for people with COPD and CHF  

    2. Rounding table support for people aged 18+ with unmet health & social needs 

  • How do you refer? 

    1. Complete the referral form [HERE]

    Note: you can also connect with the SCOPE nurse navigator by email, phone, or Ocean to initiate referral 

    1. Please indicate if PFTs or respirology consult desired 

    1. Send the completed referral form to SCOPE via email scope@tehn.ca or fax +14166196612 


  • The SCOPE Mental Health Program provides rapid contact for patients in need of mental health support

  • Comprised of a team of two mental health social workers, the program offers assistance with:

    1. Service Navigation:

    • Connecting patients with resources for housing, food security, employment, and other social determinants of health.

    2. Bridging Support:

    • Providing emotional support and/or brief case management/care coordination.

    3. Short Term Counseling Therapy:

    • Up to 8 sessions with a SCOPE Clinical Counselor.

    • Current Wait Time: 8-12 weeks.

      Patients are for SCOPE Short-Term Therapy if :

    • Actively suicidal and/ or presenting with acute safety concerns re self-harm.

    • Active addictions or substance use disorders.

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with an active trauma response.

    • They have access to private insurance or other benefits through self, spouse, partner, or family.

    If ineligible for SCOPE Short Term Therapy: we can refer the patient to community counseling services via other community organizations.

    While your patients should be seen in a timely manner, SCOPE Counseling is not a crisis service and patients will be placed in queue on our wait list. A list of crisis services is available to you upon request. 

    4. Psychiatry Services:

    • Peer-to-Peer Consultation: With a MGH psychiatrist, response time within 48 hours.

    • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Consultations: For patients ages 9-18; Current Wait Time: 4-6 weeks.

    Accessing SCOPE Mental Health Services:

  •  Preferred method of referral is Ocean e-Referral :  Ocean Link

  • If you don't use Ocean, please complete the newly revised MH referral form and connect with us via:

    1.  Email*: scope@tehn.ca

    2. Phone: (416) 603-6418, press 5 for MGH and 5

    3. Fax: 416-619-6612
      We will connect with you to let you know that we have contacted/connected with your patient if we directly speak with your patient! Our hope is to respond to all requests within 48 hours!
       *If using email, please DO NOT include identifying patient information unless using a secure email account like ONE MAIL.

Managing patient expectations is incredibly important:

  1. We suggest the following message to patients: “I am working with the SCOPE mental health program, a new service that can assist me in treating you or navigating you to the most appropriate services in the community. The Clinical Counselor(s) will ask questions about your mental health needs and will work with me to help you get the care you need.” 

    Please do not promise any particular service components.

We encourage you to sign up for SCOPE by completing the registration form found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at contact@eastfpn.org.

EasT-FPN MRP: Dr. Rahima Alani