LTC Support Discussion Forum

The Long-term Care (LTC) Support Discussion Forum provides an opportunity for LTC physicians to connect with Dr. Jarred Rosenberg, Geriatrician at MGH for a Q&A opportunity as well as the Nurse Led Outreach Team (NLOT) and TPH for updates. The forum now runs quarterly on the last Thursday from 4:30-5:00pm. Take a look at the EasT-FPN events calendar for the exact dates of each LTC support discussion session and other EasT-FPN forums.

Click here for the meeting link to join the virtual quarterly forums. Please contact the EasT-FPN if you would like to receive a quarterly meeting invite with updated materials.

Summary Documents

Missed a LTC discussion session or would like to refer to a specific session? Take a look at our summary documents for more information below:

Other Resources for Clinicians Working at LTC Facilities

  • Specialized Care Centre

The specialized care centre, now with 90 beds in operation, is available to provide care for residents and supports for LTC facilities, prioritizing those with an outbreak. Examples of situations when they may help with decanting/transferring residents include homes with staffing issues, or with limited support available from their partner hospitals. For more information/referrals please contact Patricia Skol, or 416-925-2251 ext. 219.

  • Group Activities Risk Matrix Decision Tool

    Sinai Health has created a risk assessment tool for LTC facilities and Retirement homes to assess the risks of re-introducing group activities.

  • NEW: Mandatory Vaccine Policy for LTC and RH staff

Stay tuned for additional resources.