Our Vision is to be the voice of family practice in East Toronto. Join us and together we can build a better system for our community with patients and primary care at its core.
There are 2 steps to join:
STEP 1: Please complete and submit a Letter of Support by fax (1.855.951.0189) or email to:
STEP 2: Please complete the online form below so we can add you to our mailing list as an interim member:
Our ‘Highly Selective’ Interim Membership Criteria
We’re currently following our Roadmap to fully develop the EasT-FPN by March 2020. This will include developing an official membership process.
For the moment, if you want to be an interim member of the EasT-FPN (an unofficial, no-commitment status meaning you’ll be invited to engage in our Roadmap and Letters of Support, and be kept abreast of developments), just fill in the adjacent form.