Long-term Care Summary Document (Mar 18)
COVID-19 Support for Long-Term Care Facilities
Discussion Forum – March 18, 2021
In an effort to support long-term care (LTC) facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, the East Toronto Family Practice Network (EasT-FPN), in collaboration with the Michael Garron Hospital (MGH), hosts a bi-weekly virtual LTC discussion forum. The forum is intended to connect care leaders with MGH specialists, the Nurse Led Outreach Team (NLOT), Ontario Health Home and Community Care and Toronto Public Health (TPH), by providing clinical & practice recommendations, information and resources. Join us bi-weekly. Get additional clinical & practice support and help strengthen East Toronto, by becoming a member of the EasT-FPN.
Key Updates & Summary of Mar 18/2021 Discussion
Vaccine hesitancy in staff should continue to be addressed - peer to peer guidance would be beneficial (e.g a nurse encouraging their fellow colleagues to get the COVID-19 vaccine). In addition, individuals of the same ethnicity and culture, could help to reduce cultural and language barriers that contribute to reluctance to get vaccinated. Another consideration for reducing vaccine hesitancy is sick pay support for staff during the few days following immunization, during which they may have ancillary symptoms.
While there have not been any resident outbreaks in local LTC facilities since second doses were administered, there have been a couple of cases of fully vaccinated staff testing positive for COVID-19. Staff must understand that while the vaccine is beneficial, it does not provide a 100 percent shield from the virus, especially with some of the variants of concern.
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus has been protecting the residents and implementing IPAC measures, with restrictions having implications on the well-being of residents, despite the efforts of activation/recreation and other staff. With the success of vaccination, attention is now shifting to continue the protection and IPAC measures, but also to enhance the mental, physical and emotional well-being of the residents. For example, allowing residents to leave the floor in cohorted groups or physiotherapy programs.
Rapid antigen testing 3 times a week has put LTC facilities in a good place as cases (if any) were able to be caught early, ensuring residents did not have to be isolated.
Question and Answer:
Q: Are there any preferences for the type of vaccine administered to staff in LTC facilities?
A: There is no specific vaccine intended for staff in LTC facilities. Although, the type of vaccine administered to the general population may be based on age and presence of comorbidities.
Q: Have the initiatives addressing vaccine hesitancy been successful?
A: From the perspective of medical directors that Dr. Rosenberg has connected with, it was found that individuals were beginning to be more willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Similarly, NLOT in their experience have found that individuals are more willing to take the vaccine now.
Q: What could be said about the AstraZeneca vaccine potentially leading to blood clots?
A: The risks of the AstraZeneca vaccine, including very rare blood-clotting issues, are far outweighed by its benefit in reducing the risk of COVID-19 and its ill effects, which include a much higher risk of blood-clotting issues.