February Newsletter Highlights:
COVID-19 Vaccination for Clinicians and Staff and Ocean eReferral
COVID-19 Vaccination Updates
Family Practice Input to MGH Addiction Strategy
EasT-FPN COVID-19 Response Forums
Patient Resources and Supports
The EasT-FPN have created monthly newsletters and summary documents that consist of important COVID-19 updates, information on EasT-FPN forums and various practice supports and patient resources. Please take a look below.
The purpose of the East Toronto Family Practice Network (EasT-FPN) Communications Team is to create a platform for primary care providers to communicate with other practice resources and each other and ensure that our communities receive the most current information that is accurate, transparent, and timely.
The Communications Team is responsible for the following internal communication channels on behalf of the EasT-FPN.
Publication frequency: Second Thursday of every month
Content submission deadline: First Friday of every month
Email Campaigns (SCOPE, COC, Latest Updates, etc.)
To submit your content, please contact us at contact@eastfpn.org with the subject line Communications.
Please note that the content submissions will be reviewed by the EasT-FPN communications team, consolidated, and published via the appropriate EasT-FPN communications channel(s).
Thank you,
East-FPN Communications Strategy Team
COVID-19 Vaccination for Clinicians and Staff and Ocean eReferral
COVID-19 Vaccination Updates
Family Practice Input to MGH Addiction Strategy
EasT-FPN COVID-19 Response Forums
Patient Resources and Supports