

Our Interim Team has developed the following roadmap for the EasT-FPN. Broadly speaking, it’s intended to:

  • involve and engage family practice primary care clinicians and relevant stakeholders

  • have clear deliverables and contemplated outcomes

  • have a firm timeline

  • adapt to the circumstances

Stage 1: Expressing Support for the creation of EasT-FPN


Initial engagement with family practice clinicians who care for patients in East Toronto.


Fax, email, and in-person communication.

Attend events on September 19, October 2, and October 24.


Signed Letters of Support from family practices for the creation of our organization and the EasT-FPN’s vision.


By October 9, 2019

Update (Nov 2019)

As of November 23, 2019 we have 190 of the 260 family physicians who practice in East Toronto signed up as members of the EasT-FPN. With so many of us engaged we are excited to gain your expertise to co-design a better system!

Stage 2: Partnering Up


Arriving at an understanding for how the EasT-FPN will work with the existing East Toronto Health Partners.


Meetings and negotiations between the Interim Board of the EasT-FPN and the the existing East Toronto Health Partners


The EasT-FPN adopting an internal Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) stating the conditions for the EasT-FPN supporting and joining the existing East Toronto Health Partners OHT application.

A signed agreement between the EasT-FPN and the existing East Toronto Health Partners consistent with the above MOA.


By October 9, 2019

Update (Nov 2019)

With good collaboration, the signed agreement between the EasT-FPN and our EHTP partners are in the final stages with the lawyers.

Stage 3: Applying Together


Submitting, together with the existing East Toronto Health Partners, a strong application to become among the first Ontario Health Teams formed.


Meetings, meetings, and more meetings.

Contributing to the Ontario Health Team application.


The EasT-FPN a signatory on the submitted final Ontario Health Team application.


By October 9, 2019

Update (Nov 2019)

The East-FPN is a signatory on the Ontario Health Team Application and EHTP has advanced to the next stage. A site visit occurred with our participation, and our anchor partners strongly advocated for the East- FPN and our critical role in the OHT environment.

Stage 4: Collaborating

Internal Governance and Community Building


Establishing the EasT-FPN as a robust voice for family practice in East Toronto.


In-person and virtual town halls open to all family practice clinicians.

Drafting bylaws and other documentation formalizing the role of the EasT-FPN.

Proposing and negotiating funding agreements with Ontario Health and the MoHLTC to support the EasT-FPN operations.


Election of a new Board of Directors.

Appointment of a new Executive Team.

Adoption of a formal membership criteria and process.

Adoption of a formal mission and objective for the EasT-FPN.

Adoption of new set of bylaws for the EasT-FPN.

A fully operational and staffed EasT-FPN.


By March 2020


We would like input from our members! If you have interest, thoughts, ideas please contact us!

Working with Our Community Partners


Pursuing projects and other collaborative efforts with community partners, with a view to achieving the Quadruple Aim.


This will vary for each of the various engagements that the EasT-FPN is involved in.


This will vary for each of the various engagements that the EasT-FPN is involved in.


This will vary for each of the various engagements that the EasT-FPN is involved in.