December 2021 Newsletter
December Newsletter Highlights:
COVID OMICRON + Contact Advice Changes
Current EasT-FPN Leadership Opportunities
Local Influenza-Like Illness Assessment Centres
Upcoming COVID-19 Response Forum Dates
CPIN Vaccine Study
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
Practice Supports and Patient Resources
NEW: COVID OMICRON + contact advice changes:
Two DIFFERENT case and contact management guidelines:
COVID + secondary to Omicron: COVID-19 Variant of Concern Omicron (B.1.1.529): Case Contact Interim Guidance: Currently, the time to determine if it is the Omicron variant is approx. 4 days
Advice from ID/TEHN/ Quick Primer for those exposed to COVID + case and are “ fully vaccinated” awaiting determination if variant is present.
If you are exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and you are fully vaccinated please await instruction from TPH or MGH ID team (if tested via MGH) for instructions on isolation.
Fully vaccinated people who are asymptomatic, and do not work with vulnerable populations of people (not working in healthcare) -you do NOT need to isolate. We would advise to work from home for 10 days post last exposure to the index case. If working from home is not feasible, then you are able to go to work/school but would ask that you go only to work and avoid contact with other people outside your household as best you can. Avoid group activities and crowds. If you develop any symptoms then you must immediately self-isolate and test. If you work in healthcare or education then reach out to your employer regarding work. If you are in school, reach out to your school, but you will still likely be able to go to school.
All contacts, regardless of vaccine status should be tested at 7 days post last exposure to a communicable case.
When young children or people who are dependent on a vaccinated household member for care are the index case (and you cannot isolate from the index case) your “risk period” is for 10 days AFTER the end of the index case’s period of communicability (so practically speaking 20 days from symptoms onset in the index case) . In these cases we would recommend testing again about 3 days before the end of this period of time.
Questions? Submit them and Join us for our primary care forum on December 22nd from 6-7pm
Current EasT-FPN Leadership and Job Opportunities:
There are currently four job opportunities that are looking to be filled; Physician Lead (SCOPE), SCOPE Project Manager, Digital Navigation Physician Lead and Communications Physician Lead. For more information on these roles, click here.
NEW: COVID-19 Outreach Centres are shifting to Influenza-Like Illness Assessment Centres!
EasT-FPN, in partnership with MGH and our other East Toronto Health Partners, are committed to provide low-barrier services where they are most needed – in the community.
MGH, EasT-FPN and our East Toronto Health Partners are busy converting our Covid Outreach Centres (COC) into Influenza-like Illness (ILI) assessment Centres.
Reduce the burden on your own clinics by sending us patients that need a COVID swab and, if required, an ILI assessment.
No outside use/negation for physicians in Patient Enrolled Models (FHO, FHG, etc.)
A copy of the visit note will be sent to your office via HRM
We can only run these clinics if they are staffed by family doctors. It is rewarding work that is well compensated as per the existing COVID assessment centre rate (sessional fee codes), with no overhead.
All supplies, equipment, and PPE are provided, though we ask you to bring your own stethoscope.
The centres are staffed with a clinical support person (RN/RPN) who will help with triage and to obtain vitals, as well as non-clinical support people.
If you have ANY questions about how the centres work or want to know more about the physician role please reach out to our Covid Assessment Centre MRP Dr. Eleanor Colledge (, review a more detailed description of the new COC-ILI Centres,, and/or review our description of the roles and responsibilities of physicians at COC-ILI Assessment Centres.
Find out how you can sign up for shifts at the COVID-19 Outreach Centres, ILIs and Vaccination Clinics.
OH Guidance on the Navigation of Patients with Influenza-like Illnesses
This guidance document from OH outlines options for primary care providers managing and navigating patients presenting with influenza-like illnesses.
This one-pager resource sheet outlines the COVID-19, Cold & Flu/ILI Resources in the Toronto Region.
COVID-19 Response Forums:
Primary Care Open Forum will now be running monthly from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm on December 22nd, 2021
Toronto East School Support will be running from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on December 14th, 2021
COVID-19 Retirement Home Support Discussion will be running from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm on December 14th, 2021
CPIN Vaccine Study:
Click here to find out more about helping family physicians identify and provide appropriate information to their COVID-19 vaccine hesitant patients
COVID-19 Vaccine Update: New eligible groups for COVID-19 booster dose if six months have passed since their last dose
Individuals > aged 50 (as of Mon Dec 13th)
Healthcare workers/ designated caregivers in congregate settings
Individuals with 2 doses of AZ vaccine or one dose of the Janssen vaccine
First Nations, Inuit and Métis adults and their non-Indigenous household members
For more information on eligibility and recommendations, click here
COVID-19 Vaccination Pediatric Population Resources:
Please click here to be linked to the most current OCFP newsletter with multiple resources. Of note in particular:
The risk for myocarditis is expected to be significantly lower in 5-11 year cohort given the lower dosage (10ug), longer interval between doses (8 weeks) and what we understand about a lower predisposition of myocarditis in younger children. More information on myocarditis post-vaccination in this UWaterloo two-pager.
Children who are turning 12 this year (2021) are recommended to get the adult dose (30ug). A child who is 11 should get the pediatric dose rather than wait weeks or months to become eligible for the adult dose. If they receive the first (pediatric) dose and turn 12 ahead of their second dose, they may then receive the adult dose, although a pediatric second dose can also complete the series.
Dosing for the vaccine is based on age, not weight, and antibody response of the 10ug in children five to 11 years old was equivalent to the 30ug dose in older children.
A reminder that short-term menstrual cycle changes have been reported but fertility and hormone levels are not affected by vaccines. See vaccine myths and facts from the SOGC.
The ministry has updated the COVID-19 Vaccine Administration guide to include the pediatric Pfizer vaccine.
Practice Supports and Patient Resources
The Value of Integrated Newcomer Care:
Click here to view the newly released report on Resettling Health and Wellness: The Value of Integrated Newcomer Care by Woodgreen Community Services
Senior's Active Living Centre - December Virtual and In-Person Programs
WoodGreen Senior's Active Living Centre has a variety of activities that are both virtual and in-person. If you are interested in joining the programs, visit the SALC Calendar for more information.
Primary & Community Care Response Teams
Help vulnerable adults by developing a coordinated care plan that addresses the various social determinants of health that may affect their well-being. Click here for more information on how you can refer clients to PCC response teams.
Register for SCOPE today and get rapid access to nurse navigation, general internal medicine, diagnostic imaging and more!
Please email with any feedback/suggestions for new services you would like to see added.
Digital Solutions
Download Hypercare for easy and secure communication among community primary care providers and hospital care providers.
Ocean eReferral
Ocean eReferral continues to expand in East Toronto - If you are interested in using Ocean eReferral, please contact the eServices Team:
Become an EasT-FPN member
The EasT-FPN encourages you, if you have not already, to become a member to receive clinical and practice support and opportunities to engage with the East Toronto community. Please fill out the Membership application form to become a member.
Membership Intake Form:
As part of the membership onboarding, members are encouraged to complete the following EasT-FPN Membership Intake Form, which will provide us with the necessary information to coordinate access to interprofessional digital services and platforms and provide us with key practice information, which will help inform EasT-FPN program and service planning for East Toronto primary care practices.
Child and Youth Emergency Zone:
MGH has opened a Child and Youth Emergency Zone, a family-friendly space within the Emergency Department (ED) that is designed to treat children and youth under 18 years of age in East Toronto who need urgent or acute medical care when their paediatrician or family doctor is not available.