November 2021 Newsletter
November Newsletter Highlights:
SCOPE Physician Lead Job Hiring
Membership Intake Form
Clinician Workload and Patient Access Survey
Pfizer Pediatric Vaccine Information Slides
COVID-19 Vaccine Update: New eligible groups for COVID-19 booster dose
Congratulations to Jane Pritchard!
Child and Youth Emergency Zone
Quarterly EasT-FPN COVID-19 LTC Support Discussions
Toronto East School Support (TESS) Forums
COVID-19 Outreach Centres: Testing and Vaccination Access for Patients
COVID-19 Response Forums
Healthcare Quarterly Publication
Practice Supports and Patient Resources
SCOPE Physician Lead Job Hiring:
The EasT-FPN is in search for a SCOPE Physician Lead who is a licensed physician currently providing primary care services in East Toronto. The SCOPE MRP is both a representative and change agent, integrator and innovator, collaborator and director, and a leader who is able to build strong followership. If this interests you, click here for more information on the role and how to apply.
EasT-FPN Membership Intake Form
As part of membership onboarding, EasT-FPN members are encouraged to complete the following EasT-FPN Membership Intake Form, which will provide us with the necessary information to coordinate access to interprofessional digital services and provide us with key practice information, which will help inform EasT-FPN program and service planning for East Toronto primary care practices.
Clinician Workload and Patient Access Survey
Help us help you! Please take some time in filling this survey out, about clinician workload and patient access so we can try and focus our collective efforts on mitigating these issues.
Pfizer Pediatric Vaccine Information Slides:
For more information on the Pfizer USA Pediatric Vaccine Submission to FDA for 5 to 11 year olds, click here.
COVID-19 Vaccine Update: New Eligible Groups for COVID-19 Booster Dose
MGH vaccination sites are able to provide booster doses to the following newly eligible populations IF 168 days have passed since their last dose. The following populations are newly eligible for a booster vaccine:
Individuals aged 70 and over
Healthcare workers and designated caregivers in congregate settings
Individuals who received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine or one dose of the Janssen vaccine
First Nations, Inuit and Métis adults and their non-Indigenous household members
For more information on eligibility and recommendations, click here
Congratulations to Dr. Jane Pritchard!
Congratulations to Dr. Jane Pritchard for being featured in the Ontario Medical Review
Child and Youth Emergency Zone:
MGH has opened a Child and Youth Emergency Zone, a family-friendly space within the Emergency Department (ED) that is designed to treat children and youth under 18 years of age in East Toronto who need urgent or acute medical care when their paediatrician or family doctor is not available.
Quarterly EasT-FPN COVID-19 LTC Support Discussions:
A virtual forum to support, advice and inform Long-term care (LTC) facilities and retirement homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
LTC Support Discussions will be running from 4:30 to 5:00pm on November 25th
Toronto East School Support (TESS) Forum
Provides local schools with practical COVID-19 information regarding implementing various health guidelines and a Q & A opportunity with Dr. Janine McCready
TESS Forum will be running from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm on November 23rd
COVID-19 Outreach Centres: Testing and Vaccination Access for Patients
Anyone can receive COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and other COVID-19 support all in one spot at the new COVID-19 Outreach Centres! Click here for more information and locations/hours.
Find out how you can sign up for shifts at the COVID-19 Outreach Centres and Vaccination Clinics.
COVID-19 Response Forums:
PC Open Forum will now be running monthly from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm on November 24th
Healthcare Quarterly Publication:
The EasTFPN is proud to share how our distributive leadership model has allowed us to offer an effective defence against the enormous challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the most recent issue of the Healthcare Quarterly
Practice Supports and Patient Resources
Child & Youth Mental Health Outpatient Service Intake Change at MGH
MGH is partnering up with Mental Health T.O, to offer a more streamlined referral and intake process for children, youth, families and providers. Click here for more information.
Resources for Vaccine Hesitant Patients
SHN Vax Facts Service is open to all patients across Canada. Scheduled access to a Physician to discuss vaccine hesitancy or other vaccine concerns. All PHU booking operators or others may refer to this service.
Sick Kids ‘Vax Facts’, this is a similar service based on SHN model to provide access to clinicians to discuss youth/family COVID vaccine concerns.
Primary & Community Care Response Teams
Help vulnerable adults by developing a coordinated care plan that addresses the various social determinants of health that may affect their well-being. Click here for more information on how you can refer clients to PCC response teams.
Guidance on the Navigation of Patients with Influenza-like Illnesses
This guidance document outlines options for primary care providers managing and navigating patients presenting with influenza-like illnesses.
This one-pager resource sheet outlines the COVID-19, Cold & Flu/ILI Resources in the Toronto Region.
Register for SCOPE today and get rapid access to nurse navigation, general internal medicine, diagnostic imaging and more!
Please email with any feedback/suggestions for new services you would like to see added.
Digital Solutions
Download Hypercare for easy and secure communication among community primary care providers and hospital care providers. Visit the EasT-FPN website for more information on digital solutions and Hypercare.
Ocean eReferral
Ocean eReferral continues to expand in East Toronto – enabling enhanced communication between primary care providers and specialists/organizations and simplifying the referral process. If you are interested in using Ocean eReferral, please contact the eServices
Become an EasT-FPN member
The EasT-FPN encourages you, if you have not already, to become a member to receive clinical and practice support and opportunities to engage with the East Toronto community. Please fill out the Membership application form to become a member.