Ontario Health (Toronto Region) Primary Care Update #4

Dear Colleagues:
I hope this update finds you well and you are able to enjoy some of the good weather this weekend. I am sharing the updated Primary Care Guidance, which was released yesterday (May 22, 2020).

The Ministry of Health has updated guidance for primary care (amended May 22), which reviews screening, swabbing, PPE and other updates for virtual and in-person care. Please review it in detail. Primary Care leaders from across the province have given feedback to the Ministry prior to the release of the updated and amended document. Please note that the document now includes hyperlinks to key resources.

PPE Update

Those clinics that have identified a need for PPE (less than 2 week supply on the recent survey) located in the Toronto Region (the old Toronto Central LHIN foundries) should receive a pandemic supply shortly. 

Finally, I wanted to remind clinicians that if they have less than 7 days of PPE on hand and are at risk of closing, please use the following form: https://ehealthontario.on.ca/en/for-healthcare-professionals/ppe-intake?a=ppe-intake

Providers need to have exhausted all available supply chain options before making a request. The Supply Chain Team uses the Provincial Ethical Framework for prioritization of requests and can support by linking providers to PPE donations and other supply chain options. 

Best Regards,

Dr. David M Kaplan

David M Kaplan MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP
Chief, Clinical Quality
Ontario Health (Quality)
Cell: (416) 526-5105
Email: dkaplan@hqontario.ca